
News from OpenFlights, the site for flight logging, mapping, stats and sharing

200,000+ flights, geographical maps back online


Just a quick heads-up: OpenFlights now has well over 200,000 flights, but you’ll have to wait for 250,000 until the next installment of State of the Data.  With any luck, the quarter-million milestone may be reached before the end of the year.

The other news of note is that the NASA OnEarth (Hypercube) geographical world map layer, which was broken for a while, is back online.  To activate it, click on the top right  icon, then choose “Base Layer > Geographical (NASA)”, and the background of your OpenFlights map will now be the real world, not a light shade of beige.   Due to the richness of detail, the map is quite a bit slower than the default one, but it can be pretty gorgeous especially when zoomed in; take a look at the area around Nassau, Bahamas (NAS) if you don’t believe me!

Virtually exploring the world,

2 thoughts on “200,000+ flights, geographical maps back online

  1. You just got to 250.000 flights. When is the next State of the Data post due? 😀


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