
News from OpenFlights, the site for flight logging, mapping, stats and sharing

Facebook application launched


This has been one of the top feature requests since day 1, and we’re delighted to announce that OpenFlights now has a Facebook application!

Install the app and give it your OpenFlights username, and something very similar to what you see on the right will appear, showing the number, total distance and total duration of your flights.  Click on the map or any of the links, and it will pop up your full OpenFlights profile.  What better way to share your travels?

By default, the profile box is updated whenever you click that “Refresh” link or visit the application’s page.  However, you can also opt to give the application permission to update your Facebook automatically whenever you add new flights.  As a bonus, it will also add notices to your feed describing the new flights:

What else would you like to see on Facebook? Join the discussion on the application’s About page, and while you’re at it, join the Facebook fan club as well.

Keep on flying,

2 thoughts on “Facebook application launched

  1. Pingback: OpenFlights opensources flight data and flight facebook app (Musings on travel ecommerce)

  2. Pingback: New features on Facebook – OpenFlights

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