
News from OpenFlights, the site for flight logging, mapping, stats and sharing

New features on Facebook


A few new features for our Facebook app have been rolled out since the original announcement, so I thought I’d take a moment to share them with you.

First, today’s new feature: instead of just updating your friends when you add new flights to OpenFlights, which is interesting but, quite frankly, not all that useful, you can now also opt to post updates on the day you fly: the perfect way to let your friends know that you’re in town!  Be sure to enter your flights ahead of time, or at least on the same day, to make use of this though. Note that for existing users, this is turned off by default: to enable it, go to the Facebook app page and, under “Feed preferences”, check the box next to “On the day I fly”.

Also, as of today, editing existing flights no longer causes updates to be sent to Facebook.  We originally thought it would be nice to know about changes, but in the end the cost in clutter and confusion was a bit too high.

Last but not least, since February 9th, the example thumbnail in your OpenFlights profile box has been replaced with a miniature map of your flights, complete with color-coding for airports from busiest to quietest.  If your profile is still showing the old version, click on “Refresh” to bring it up to speed.

And that’s all for today: if you like the application, please do invite your friends to try it out, and share your thoughts at the fan page as well.

Face forward,

2 thoughts on “New features on Facebook

  1. The Facebook app’s sign-up URI is broken… it’s still pointing to:

    … instead of:

    Needs some mod_rewrite lovin’. 😉


  2. Fixed, thanks for the heads-up!


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